Thursday 26 October 2017

The Wrinch boys are in town!

A couple of days after the trip to see the boat Olly came out to join us on the Moondance,  closely followed by Tim and Lucy - all 3 together - a rare treat indeed!
So what happens when the Wrinch boys get together on a boat in the sun?
1. They find a BIG cliff and , well, throw themselves of it.

2. Stand on the side of the boat, put a rubber ring in the water and see if they can back flip into it

                                                                                              ... nearly got it!

Take three rubber rings, grab a rope off the back of the boat. It started mellow enough -they even got Lucy out.

 but then Olly threw the gauntlet down and shouted go ....

At 7 knots breathing became a problem!

Happily there were some mellower pastime. A sunset sail,

a balooning trip for Tim and Lucys birthdays

Sailing, and swimming- Three men and their dog!

Cool Dog or Dad?

Olly took some nice photos of Moondance in action.

On Wednesday everyone left to go their separate ways. Tim and Lucy to finish their weeks holiday in the mountains of Mallorca, Olly set off on the next leg of lifes journey to Malaga where he hopes to set up a bike park, Melanie and Woody went with Olly for a few days on the mainland.

I was joined by my old friend Gordon who arrived a little jet lagged from Canada.
No matter - fresh air, a barbie on the beach and a little beer in a beautiful calm anchorage soon had him back to sorts!

 We are now taking the next step on our two hull journey. We have shaken hands on the Privelege catamaran. She is located on the mainland just south of Barcelona (incredible luck - 100 miles away - she could have been anywhere in Europe!), we are going to sail over to drop all our gear from Moondance before putting her on the market.

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